Goblin Slayer: Mobile Game Development with the Unity Game Engine

Goblin Slayer: Mobile Game Development with the Unity Game Engine

2 min

As an engineering student passionate by video game creation and visual asset creation, I decided to take on the challenge of building my own mobile game. I chose to use the Unity3D game engine, and the result is Goblin Slayer, an action-packed adventure game that takes players on a journey to free miniature worlds from the invasion of goblins.

Game Development

Creating Goblin Slayer allowed me to explore different aspects of game development, such as programming, art, and sound design. I had the opportunity to work on the technical side of game development, such as implementing the character controller and physics system, as well as the creative side, such as designing the levels and character animations. This experience gave me a better understanding of the game development process as a whole.

Creating Goblin Slayer allowed me to express my creativity by bringing my own ideas to life. I was able to let my imagination run wild and create something unique and interesting. The process of creating a game from scratch was very rewarding, as I was able to see my ideas come to life on the screen.



Creating a mobile game with Unity3D allowed me to learn about the challenges and limitations of mobile game development and how to overcome them. I learned about optimizing for mobile devices, and how to balance performance and graphics. During the entire developement cycle I tried to focus on load and rendering optimizations by minimizing the number of draw calls, limiting the number of vertices for the models, and optimizing the texture assests by packing them into one single 2D texture.

Asset Creation

One of the most exciting aspects of building Goblin Slayer was the opportunity to create my own visual and audio assets. I used a variety of tools such as Photoshop for UI design, Blender for 3D modeling and animation, and even recorded my own sound effects using my mouth. These tools allowed me to create unique and interesting assets that fit the theme and style of the game. The process of creating these assets was very rewarding as it helped bring the game to life and make it more immersive for the players.